Reflecting on 2024, it’s been nothing short of exhilarating for fans of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology. The year unfolded with a surge of enthusiasm, creativity, and epic gameplay moments, all fueled by a vibrant community. Thanks to your dedication, both the franchise and community as a whole have thrived. Marking the year were events like the New Year, New Age showcase, Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado championships, and gatherings at Gamescom. Notably, the launches of Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires Mobile have expanded our universe, introducing more than 10 million new players to the game, pushing the total to an astounding 60 million Age of Empires enthusiasts worldwide.
Now, as we embrace 2025, we’re thrilled to offer a glimpse into the future of the franchise. There’s so much to look forward to, so get comfortable and let’s dive in!
Mark your calendars for March 4th, as that’s when the Immortal Pillars expansion for Age of Mythology: Retold makes its debut. Revealed at the Tokyo Game Show, this expansion is packed with exciting new content, including the introduction of the Chinese pantheon and captivating new maps, myth units, and gameplay elements. Eager fans can pre-order now and get ready for this thrilling addition to their gaming experience.
For those who own the Age of Mythology: Retold Premium Edition, there’s great news—Immortal Pillars will be available to you at no extra charge from day one.
In an exciting move, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold are making their way to PlayStation 5! This development isn’t just about convenience; it’s about uniting our community across platforms. With cross-play, we are forging a global arena where every strategy and every player matters.
Starting March 4th, PlayStation 5 players can dive into Age of Mythology: Retold, complete with new myths, cultures, and the Immortal Pillars expansion. The Premium Edition offers early access and exclusive gameplay features.
Furthermore, all game updates from March 4th onward will be rolled out simultaneously across all platforms—Steam, Windows Store, Xbox, and PlayStation 5—ensuring a united community.
This spring, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is set to land on PlayStation 5, accompanied by a dynamic DLC expansion that introduces new civilizations for Ranked play. Details remain under wraps, but anticipation is building for this exciting addition.
No matter your location or platform preference, now is the time to connect with friends, challenge rivals, and explore the worlds of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology.
For Age IV enthusiasts, 2025 promises double the excitement. We originally planned a single DLC for this year but have raised the stakes with two new expansions. These will introduce variant civilizations, vibrant new units, and unique game modes designed to entertain and challenge players. The first DLC, Knights of Cross and Rose, is launching this spring, promising solo modes and new strategic opportunities.
As for Age of Empires Mobile, it’s captivated millions of players in just four months since its launch. With a slew of exciting new events coming in February, ranging from the Battle of Dawn campaign to Valentine’s Day cosmetics, the mobile journey continues to enthrall.
To celebrate, we’ve got a special gift code, AoEMVLTN, available for the first 20,000 users.
Looking ahead, 2025 is shaping up to be an unforgettable year for the franchise. Stay informed through our community channels and website. We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions; keep sending feedback via our social platforms, forums, Discord, and Steam.
It’s time to gather your forces and dive into 2025 with the same vigor and ambition as iconic leaders like Zeus, Joan of Arc, or Genghis Khan. I’ll see you on the battlefield! 🛡️⚔️