Monster Hunter Wilds offers a formidable challenge, especially for newcomers, thanks to its complex combat system. Imagine juggling a weapon with a moveset as complicated as a fighting game, while also managing a backpack full of items that are mostly non-healing, all while a massive monster is relentlessly targeting you. It’s a real test of dexterity that can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, there’s a nifty setting that can ease this burden significantly.
Focus mode plays a crucial role in Monster Hunter Wilds. Typically, when you press the left trigger on a controller—or the alt key if you’re on PC—Focus mode switches on. This clever feature illuminates large orange marks on the monster you’re battling, helping you aim for those weak spots to inflict more damage and earn extra crafting materials. The perks it offers are undeniable.
Yet, as battles intensify later in the game, continuously holding down a button while dodging and weaving can become quite troublesome. Here’s a little hack: you can adjust the controls so that Focus mode toggles like a light switch, liberating one of your fingers for other tasks. Since making this adjustment, my experience wielding dual blades has been much smoother. However, if you’re more of a ranged weapon aficionado, this might not be as advantageous.
To tweak the settings and enable toggle Focus mode, head to the options menu in Monster Hunter Wilds. While you’re at it, I also suggest boosting the camera sensitivity for when Focus mode is active, to avoid feeling stuck or restricted during those intense moments.
With this setup, you can simply tap the Focus mode button to activate it when you’re engaging a monster. Leave it on until you need to make a hasty retreat. For certain weapons, like the insect glaive, this mode even draws you closer to your target, helping reduce missed strikes.
Armed with these insights, you’re now fully equipped to take on those fearsome monsters with newfound confidence. Happy hunting!