As you journey through the game, you’ll notice how the diverse cultures you encounter breathe life into the experience—especially through their key beliefs and traditions. Take the Aedyrans, for instance. They’re a society that treasures principles like rightful rule, leadership, and order. Imagine them stepping into Eora’s vast frontier: how would they adapt to fit in with the locals? Maybe they tweak their clothing or alter their lifestyle. In this land of opportunities—a sort of “Wild West”—survival often demands a flexible approach, something the Aedyrans might find challenging.
Patel elaborates on this cultural diversity by saying, “Someone who primarily reveres [the goddess] Woedica places a higher value on law, order, justice, and rightful rulership. If you honor Abydon, the Smith, you still respect the other gods. But you prioritize industry, hard work, and dedication. These values help shape factions, making their ideals clear to the player.”
You can see these cultural influences reflected not only in the architecture but also in the clothing design, with both elements feeling seamlessly interconnected. As Lead Environment Artist Dennis Presnell puts it, “This world feels alive, a genuine entity. While it’s illustrated in the game, its existence has been a constant beat during development. It’s a continuous and evolving process; team members introduce new assets, creative ideas, and narratives, and we build upon each other’s work. All these contributions blend into a dynamic and cohesive world that’s steeped in authenticity.”