South of Midnight initially seems to fit the mold of a classic action-adventure game: a protagonist taken from the mundane into an extraordinary quest, armed with magical powers and skills. However, once you dive in, those notions quickly dissolve. The world here is astonishingly unique, and as you journey through its third chapter, that uniqueness consistently surprises. The setting, the narrative, and even the music feel fresh and engaging, all brought together by thrilling combat and delightful exploration.
The demo starts with our protagonist, Hazel, embarking on a quest to find her mother after a flood separates them. Hazel, now aware of her heritage as a Weaver, can manipulate reality’s hidden threads with magic, both in battle and exploration. However, her familiar surroundings now feel alien, transformed into a Southern Gothic landscape that seems almost antagonistic at times.
The trailers offered glimpses of South of Midnight’s expansive world and storyline, but the real magic unfolds when you play. Scattered across the landscape are shimmering energy spheres, each reminiscent of an oil spill. Step into one, and you’ll face Haints, mythical creatures inspired by Southern legends. These adversaries vary greatly: some engage with rapid melee assaults, others prefer ranged attacks, while some release swarms of insects to distract you. Deciding the order of attack becomes a strategic necessity.
Combat in South of Midnight isn’t for the faint-hearted. It often places you against numerous Haints simultaneously, any of which could significantly reduce your health bar with a single hit. The action intensifies, demanding players adapt their attacks quickly within the luminous battle arenas. While melee attacks deal with foes swiftly, they leave you vulnerable; thankfully, you also have magic at your disposal. You can manipulate enemies, perhaps even hurling the smaller ones against others or binding them with magical threads.
Upgrades let you refine your tactics. I quickly chose a passive boost: enemies bound by magic took additional damage, allowing for swift dispatch of tougher foes. Here, aggression pays off – even a well-timed dodge turns offensive, triggering a burst of magic from where you just stood, hinting at the combat’s hidden depth.
Animation is another highlight. Characters move with a charm reminiscent of hand-crafted stop-motion figures during cutscenes, creating an engaging blend of art and storytelling. Once gameplay resumes, the fluidity of character movement shines, ensuring each action is seamless and immediate, indicative of a well-crafted action game.
The world Hazel traverses is deeply atmospheric. Mangrove swamps give way to dilapidated structures, thickets block paths, and oversized fruits float, decaying in murky waters. Climbing to higher vantage points reveals vistas that extend far beyond reachable areas, hinting at a vastness that captivates. This unexplored setting is bathed in stunning light, casting long shadows through overgrown flora and wrapping everything in a mystical mist.
Navigating this landscape requires mastering Hazel’s Weaving abilities – the same magic used in combat aids her in exploration. Remnants of history help you traverse the waterlogged environment, while pushing and pulling the surroundings unveil hidden paths and stories. Although there’s a clear route marked for you, these same paths harbor secrets and materials essential for upgrades, encouraging thorough exploration.
Guided along this path, Hazel encounters Catfish, a dual-role character serving as narrator and companion, held captive by a humanoid tree. Releasing him involves a mission imbued with dreamlike logic: retrieve a magical bottle, collect the haunting psychic pain twisting the tree, and uncover the underlying trauma.
Despite the whimsical premise, the narrative can be unexpectedly dark. Without giving too much away, players discover the history of how this part of the world twisted an ordinary man into a towering tree through relentless suffering.
This depth of storytelling is another area where South of Midnight stands out. Like the combat style, the narrative isn’t sanitized – Hazel, unapologetically candid, expresses herself vividly when challenged. Compulsion Games describes this as a Southern Gothic tale, which is entirely accurate. The stories are as haunting as they are compelling, refusing to shy away from the horror that inhabits this world. Hazel, as a Weaver, is tasked with mending brokenness, faced with a world in dire need of healing.
Just when you think you’ve grasped the game’s rhythm, it shifts. Suddenly, in the final stages of the preview, something indestructible begins pursuing you, turning combat into a frantic escape. The gentle platforming becomes paramount for survival, requiring precise timing. This shift, from combat to evasion, keeps players on their toes, demonstrating South of Midnight’s ability to constantly surprise.
As the preview wraps up, we’re left with another twist. Each major area introduces a Mythical Creature, colossal figures drawn from folklore. But, not all encounters culminate in conventional battles. Emphasizing Hazel’s role as a healer, not all these encounters demand aggression. Ailing creatures present opportunities for cures rather than conflicts – in this case, you aim to heal the tree, not harm it, climaxing in an intense ascent that offers sweeping views of Hazel’s journey thus far.
As Hazel scales this enormous obstacle, music plays a significant role. Throughout the level, echoes of a song drift into earshot, telling the story you’ve pieced together, adding layers with every level Hazel ascends. It’s a masterful blend of gameplay, narrative, and music, creating an unforgettable moment.
Thus, South of Midnight showcases how Compulsion Games has crafted an experience unlike any other. With so many new elements introduced early on, the mysteries waiting later promise to be even more intriguing.
Scheduled for release on April 8, 2025, South of Midnight will launch on Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC via the Xbox App and Steam, as well as in the cloud, with Game Pass availability from day one. For those eager to jump into its enchanting world early, the Premium Edition offers early access and digital extras, inviting players to delve into its rich tapestry of storytelling and exploration.